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FAM (Familiarization) trip in Echizen / Fukui

Dear Echizen Fukui Enthusiasts!

We hope this newsletter finds you in high spirits. As we celebrate the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Echizen Fukui, we’re excited to bring you a new edition filled with captivating experiences and stories that showcase the region’s unparalleled dedication to artisanal excellence.

In this issue, we’ll take you on a journey through the intricate world of Echizen craftsmanship, offering a glimpse into the timeless traditions and contemporary innovations that continue to shape this remarkable destination.

  • The Art of Echizen Washi Paper

Echizen Washi, renowned worldwide for its strength and texture, remains a cornerstone of our region’s craftsmanship. In this issue, we’ll delve into the meticulous process of creating Washi paper, highlighting the skill and passion that goes into each sheet.

  • Traditional Woodworking – The Echizen Way
  • (Visit of Oyanagi Tansu traditional Cabinetworks / “kicoru” furniture)

Discover the secrets of Echizen’s master woodworkers as they blend traditional techniques with modern designs. Explore the beauty of handcrafted furniture and utensils, which embody both form and function.

  • Culinary Treasures: Sushi Toyo

Our culinary journey continues with a spotlight on Echizen’s delicacy in a private setting and some hands-on nigiri/sushi-making activity, leaving a lasting impression other than just its taste.

  • Echizen Fukui Knives: A Cut Above the Rest 

Japan has a long and storied history of crafting some of the finest knives in the world. Passed down through generations, the traditional art of knife-making in this region dates back over 700 years.

Echizen Fukui knives are made from high-quality materials, such as VG-10 and Aogami super steel, known for their exceptional sharpness and durability.

Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, Echizen Fukui offers a wide range of knife styles to suit your needs, from Santoku and Gyuto to Nakiri and Sujihiki knives.

  • Artisanal Experiences

Are you ready to experience Echizen’s craftsmanship firsthand? Join us for a series of workshops and guided tours, where you can try your hand at traditional papermaking, woodworking, and more. Embrace your inner artisan

  • Upcoming Events

Stay updated with the latest events and happenings in Echizen Fukui. From craft fairs to cultural celebrations, there’s always something exciting on the horizon.

We even got featured in the local Newspaper! “What is the key to attracting wealthy visitors to Japan?” with the Echizen City Tourism Association’s collaboration.

We hope you enjoy this issue of the Echizen Fukui Newsletter and that it inspires you to explore the world of Echizen’s craftsmanship. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with us, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to sharing more Echizen Fukui experiences with you in the future.

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Yours in Travel,

CRIL Privee & Cie

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